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Prof. Wawrzyniec Konarski, PhD

Prof. Wawrzyniec Konarski, PhD
e-mail: w.konarski@vistula.edu.pl
Faculty: Business and International Relations
Education Field: International relations, Political science, Journalism and social communication
Rector of Vistula University

Associate professor at Vistula University in Warsaw, formerly at the Jagiellonian University, SWPS University and Warsaw University; researcher of ethno-cultural and political-system issues in democratic and authoritarian systems as well as selected issues within the modern political history, as well as ethno-politics, including nationalisms and regionalisms against the background of the modern historical perspective; participant of over 200 national and international conferences, seminars and panels as well as guest lecturer at several dozen universities and educational institutions in Poland and in Albania, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Spain, Ireland, Germany, Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine , Great Britain and Hungary, as well as Chile, DPRK and the USA; member of scientific associations, including: the “Poland in the 21st century” Forecasting Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences (in 2003-2012), the Polish Political Science Association (in 2007-2010 – vice-president of the Main Board), the Polish Association for the Club of Rome (from 30 January 2012 – vice-chairman of the Main Board), the International Political Science Association; political media commentator in Poland, in the Americas and Asia; author of over 200 publications in the field of political science, cultural studies, media studies and international relations (published in Polish, English, Croatian, Finnish, Japanese, German, Russian, Slovak and Ukrainian), including: A Legacy of Hatred. On the Conflict in Northern Ireland (1991), Nieprzejednani. Rzecz o Irlandzkiej Armii Republikańskiej (Irreconcilables: the Irish Republican army) (1991), A Predominant Party System. The Case of Ireland (1994), Pragmatycy i idealiści. Rodowód, typologia i ewolucja ugrupowań politycznych nacjonalizmu irlandzkiego w XX wieku (Pragmatists and idealists: origins, typology, and evolution of political parties in the twentieth century Irish nationalism) (2001), System konstytucyjny Irlandii (The constitutional system of Ireland) (2001), Bałkany. Etnokulturowe podłoże konfliktów (The Balkans. Ethno-cultural background of conflicts) (co-author and co-editor, 2006), Niemcy-Polska: Coraz bliżej: Perspektywa polskich i niemieckich studentów (Germany-Poland: coming closer: the perspective of Polish and German students), (co-author and editor, 2007), Kryzys przywództwa we współczesnej polityce (Leadership crisis in contemporary politics) (co-author and co-editor, 2011), Politolog o polityce. Wywiady, komentarze, opinie i ekspertyzy (Political scientist on politics. Interviews, comments, opinions, and expert evaluation) (2008-2014) (2014), Partyzanci doktrynerzy terroryści. Chronologiczne studium fenomenu Irlandzkiej Armii Republikańskiej (Partisans, doctrinarians, terrorists. Chronological study of the Irish Republican Army phenomenon) (2019).

Research interests:

  • government systems, political parties and political leadership in democratic and authoritarian systems;
  • broadly understood connections – analysed from the perspective of modern history – between ethnicity, nationalism and politics, as well as migration aspects in selected countries;
  • analysis of various political systems in the Polish and global media;
  • global problems in the context of the current challenges, including the activities of the Club of Rome.

Current lectures:

  • Commenting Politics in the Media (in Polish and English);
  • Contemporary Political Systems;
  • Ethnopolitics;
  • Political commentary in the media.
The university implements projects co-financed by the European Union
Vistula University in Pultusk

Vistula University in Pultusk

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